Robust.AI and Paccurate Announce Technology Partnership

June 18th, 2024

“What does cartonization software mean for Autonomous Mobile Robots?”

New York, NY / San Francisco, CA - Paccurate and Robust.AI are pleased to announce a new, joint partnership today to reduce costs for fulfillment providers. Paccurate is a software company that helps shippers make better packaging decisions, and provides 3D packing instructions in real time. Robust.AI provides collaborative robot solutions for manufacturing and warehouse logistics.

As part of today’s announcement, Paccurate’s best-in-class cartonization algorithm is now available as part of the Robust.AI’s Carter collaborative mobile robot, allowing customers who automate their pick-pack operations to reduce transportation spend and drive sustainability initiatives on top of the reduced labor benefit from the robots themselves. Cartonization refers to a step in an order lifecycle where the correct box and best packing configuration is determined for optimal shipping.

Robust.AI has created a novel form of collaborative mobile robot that enables seamless collaboration with people across picking, putaway, and value added services. Through a human-centric design and AI powered workflows, Robust.AI’s Carter robots can be deployed rapidly, providing customers with ROI as soon as Day One.

“Many of our customers ask us to implement picking directly to shipping containers,” says Ben Gruettner, VP of Revenue at Robust.AI. “Changing processes within an existing WMS is costly and slow. With our flexible architecture plus existing integrations to solutions like Paccurate, we can actually enhance many of the existing functionalities of a WMS today without downtime or costly professional services”.

Paccurate provides cartonization and cubing logic to any set of customer orders that are waved to Robust.AI’s software platform. Paccurate’s flexible API allows for a simple pass-through integration into the Robust.AI environment and also provides a place to store business rules, packing logic, and available cartons. Cartonizing orders and picking directly to a shipping container reduces the number of touches, saves time, and reduces transportation costs.

“One of the key drivers in picking automation is how much work you can get onto a hardware platform - that was true back in the Kiva days and is still true today with modern-day AMRs or other goods-to-person systems,” said Greg Walls, VP of Revenue at Paccurate. “When automation companies use Paccurate’s cartonization algorithm, they cube out their platform or the shipping containers on their platform more effectively and yield additional savings for their customers through faster units per hour, lower transportation costs, and less material waste.”

To learn more about this new partnership, please reach out to or for more information.

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