pacsimulate dashboard

Find the Perfect Carton Sizes with Unprecedented Accuracy

PacSimulate® millions of your shipments to find the perfect set of cartons to use in your DCs and stores. Balance process efficiency, shipping costs, corrugate costs, and more.

A rack of cartons


How it Works

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Tell Us About You

Our analysts get to know your business's specific needs through a questionnaire and onboarding call.


White Glove Setup

You securely share some recent shipping data. We run the first simulation.


Receive Your Report + Estimate

Identify the most efficient carton sets for each of your locations, and compare scenarios. Run as many simulations as you want for a year.

“Every time you change our cartons we save half a million dollars.”

Large retailer who regularly uses PacSimulate to adjust their carton mix.

instant roi

The Ripple Effect

It pays to have a carton mix that's specific to your shipping activity and costs. The effects ripple out to many areas of your buisness.

hand with coins

Low barrier to entry

No integration or process change required. Upload historical shipping data to our secure portal.


Custom Simulation

Rather than focus solely on cost reduction, balance business requirements like reduced carton count.

bullseye target

Happier customers

The post-purchase experience is more important than ever. Delight your customers.



Your costs and SCOPE-3 emissions are inextricably linked. Reduce both with a smarter carton selection.

Visibility, Simplified


Pack Score within PacSimulate

PacHealth™ helps you monitor the performance of your packing and packaging. With a single score based on a proprietary blend of your KPIs, there's no better way to catch inefficiencies early, before they become expensive.

PacSimulate allows you to easily see how changes to your process, equipment, or packaging will affect your PacHealth™ score, and identify areas to improve.

Need the right boxes right away?

Get in touch and we'll see what we can do to help.

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Ready to Get Started?

Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, we'll show you how to pack more efficiently.
Book a Demo